2025年 |2024年 |2023年 |2022年 |2021年 |2020年 |2019年 |2018年 | |2017年 |2016年 |2015年 |2014年 | 2013年 | 2012年 | 2011年 | 2010年 | 2009年 | 2008年 | 2007年 | 2006年 | 2005年 | 2004年 | 2003年 | 2002年
- Dec.24 </span></p>
- Dec. 9 </span></p>
- Nov.25 issue </span></p>
- Nov.12 issue </span></p>
- Oct.28 Issue </span></p>
- Oct15issue </span></p>
- Oct.1 Issue </span></p>
- Sep.10 Issue </span></p>
- Aug 26 Issue: Aug 29 BBL with VP Katsu, Middle East, Questions, Photo Album, Evaluation, Gender, Liberia&Libya, Environment, Humanitarian Aid and Military, IMF, NGO, MDI, Commitment to Dev Index, Japan’s Role, ODA Charter, BBL Schedule, </span></p>
- 8/19付: Conflict / Terrorism & Dev BBL (8/20), FinSec Network Launched, Africa , Latin America, Environment, Conflict, East Timor, Asia, FASID, Japan’s Role, JICA Knowledge Site, JICA-USAID/CIDA, PFI, Aid Coordination, BBL Schedule </span></p>
- Aug 11 Issue: Aug 12 BBL on Dev Research, Universities, Iraq, NGO, Afghanistan, Peace-building, Africa, Gender, Climate Change, Consultants, UNDP Recruite Mission, Evaluation, Vietnam, ODA Charter, BBL Schedule </span></p>
- Aug 4 Issue: Aug 5 BBL on Univ, Aug 7 BBL on Iraq, IFC, USAID, WB Finance, NGO, Environment, Education, Africa, Conflict, Evaluation, GRIPS, FASID, IDEA, TA Personnel, Research, Budget, Vacancy, BBL Schedule </span></p>
- July 29 Issue: Sectoral Network, Education, LAC, Africa, Environment, etc. </span></p>
- July 21 Issue: Aug 5 BBL on University & Development, Statistics, Evaluation, East Timor, Africa, Reconstruction, Latin America, PPP in Education, EFA, Carbon Fund, BBL Schedule </span></p>
- July 15 Issue: July 16 BBL on Statistics, July 17 BBL on Evaluation, ODA&Development Policy, NGO, Africa, Education, Health, Environment, LAC, Evaluation, Dev Partnership, SARS, Capacity Development, Maternal Health, BBL Schedule </span></p>
- July 7 Issue: July 11 BBL on ODA/Development, TICADIII, NGO, Evaluation, Environment, Africa, Paris, DAC, Policy Support, Iraq, Infrastructure, ODA Strategy Council, Asian Dynamism, ECOSOC, Vacancy, BBL Schedule </span></p>
- July 1 Issue: July 2 BBL on Africa’s Development & TICADIII, NGO, Health ML, US President’s Visit to Africa, Education, Environment, Statistics, Wrold Bank, Partnership, Internship, BBL Schedule </span></p>
- June 22 Issue: June 23 BBL on NGO, WB Strategy, Forest NGO, Result-Based, NGO, Africa, Sri Lanka, Env-ML, Sectoral Network, MDI, Ideas, Denmark, ODA Charter, East Asia, ODA Report, Peace Building, BBL Schedule </span></p>
- June 9 Issue: Forest NGO BBL (June 11), Health, NGO, G8, NEPAD, Sri Lanka, LAC, WBI, MDI, OECD, Trade, East Asia, Keidanren, AfDB, GDN-Japan, Diplomatic Bluebook, BBL Schedule </span></p>
- June 2 Issue: WB Dev Strategy (June 4), Health, NGO&Corporation, Food Crisis, G8 Summit, AIDS, Sri Lanka, Civil Conflict, Environment, MDI, Child, Governance, BBL Schedule </span></p>
- May 27 Issue: Health BBL (May 28), EFA&Civil Soc, Education, IFC, Latin America, NGO, Dev Human Resource Network, Africa, GEFA, Dev Index, GRIPS, FASID, G8, Japan-US, ODA, Water, BBL Schedule </span></p>
- May 19 Issue: Education (May 20), Corporate Interest and Dev Effect (May 21), Financial Sector, NGO, Africa, ODA Strategy, Tanzania, G7-G8 Finance Ministers’ Mtg, PALM2003, BBL Schedule </span></p>
- May 12 Issue: Financial Sector in Asia BBL (May 14), ODA Charter Review, NGO, Africa, Japan’s ODA, Iraq, DAC, EBRD, PALM, Career, Human Security, BBL Schedule </span></p>
- May 5: EFA & Civil Society (May 7), Private Investment for MDGs, WB President, Harmonization, Africa, Human Security, Environment, OECD, Tanzania, BBL Schedule </span></p>
- April 28: BBL on HIV/AIDS (4/30), IDB Annual Mtg, Human Security, Partnership, NGO, Africa, Education, Proposals, Paris, ODA Charter, Water, Institution, Sri Lanka, East Asia, BBL Schedule </span></p>
- April 21: Documents for BBLs on IDB (4/22) and Human Security (4/23), ODA Charter, Gender, Africa, LAC, Dev Partnership, JICA Papers, DAC, BBL Schedule </span></p>
- April 17: BBL on IDB (4/22) & Human Security (4/23), ODA Charter, IMF/WB Spring Meetings, Japan’s Role, Peace-Building, NGO, Africa, EFA Week, Paris, GRIPS, Asia-Africa, BBL Schedule </span></p>
- April 7: ODA Charter (4/9), MDGs&Private Investment, Africa, Conflict, Education, LAC, Paris, GRIPS, Dev Finance, Globalization, Dev Marketplace, MoFA Reform, Human Security, JICA, BBL Schedule </span></p>
- March 31: Private Investment for MDGs (April 2), Literacy, GEF, Dev Consultants, NGO, US Assistance, Sri Lanka, Iraq, Africa, IDB Annual Mtg, Gender, Dev Education, Paris, GRIPS, MoFA Reform, Capacity Building, BBL Schedule </span></p>
- March 24: Literacy(3/24), GEF(3/26), Education, Environment, NGO, Conflict, Africa, LAC, MDGs&ICT, DAC, UK, Evaluation, Water, International Law, Harmonization, BBL Schedule, etc. </span></p>
- March 17: Education(3/17), Environment (3/19), Terrorism, NGO, Africa, Brazil, Water, Forest, ODA Policy, BBL Schedule </span></p>
- March 10: Terrorism(March 12), Dev Consultants, NGO, Env, Africa, Education, Paris, PRSP, Stiglitz, Human Security, Gender, ODA Council, BBL Schedule </span></p>
- March 4: Dev Consultant (March 5 BBL), Trade&Dev, Education, NGO, Africa, Latin America, GRIPS, Human Security, Afghanistan, G7, Evaluation, Harmonization, BBL Schedule </span></p>
- Feb 22: Trade & Dev, Education, Dev Professionals, NGO, Africa, WTO, SWAp, ODA Council, BBL Schedule </span></p>
- Feb 17: Aid Staff, Latin America, Decentralization, NGO, T&D, Africa, Gender, GRIPS, Diplomacy & Development, ODA Council, Human Secuirty, IT, WTO, Afghanistan, Infrastructure, JICA, BBL Schedule </span></p>
- Feb 3: Latin America, Japan’s Role, Statistics, NGO, Health, Gender, Africa, GRIPS, Peace-Building, Sri Lanka, Conflict, Water, Policy Speeches, Kawaguchi Prize, BBL Schedule </span></p>
- Jan 26: Japan’s Role, Post-Conflict, Trade&Investment, NGO, MDI, Africa, ODA, East Asia, New BBL Schedule </span></p>
- Jan 20: Post-conflict, Trade&Investment, Water, NGO, MDI (Africa), Health, Gender, Human Security, ODA Council, East Asia, Kenya, JICA, BBL </span></p>
- Jan 16: Jan 17 BBL on Water, USAID, US-Japan Cooperation, BBL Schedule </span></p>
- Jan 13: USAID, Financial Market, NGO, MDI, T&D, Africa, BizFin, Articles, WB Sympo, WB Business, LDP, FM, Conflict, BBL </span></p>
- Jan 7: Jan. 9 BBL (Financial Market), NGO, China, Argentina, UK, MCA </span></p>
- Dec 29: BBL Schedule, Education, Pro-poor Growth, East Asia, ODB Budget, WSIS, Wolfensohn, JICA Expert, MoFA Reform </span></p>
- Dec 22: Financial Market, Education, NGO, Africa, T&D, East Asia, PRSP, Rural Dev, WDR2004, Peace Cooperation, ODA Strategy Council, ODA Reform, JICA, BBL Schedule </span></p>
- Dec 17: Education, Afghanistan, Japanese Society, Public-Private Partnership, ICT, Proposals, T&D Net, PRSP, etc </span></p>
- Dec 10: BBL (Japanese Descent Support,/Dec.13), Policy Minutes Released </span></p>
- Dec 8: Afghanistan, T&D Net, NGO, MDI, PRSP, IMF-WB, FTA, ODA, MDGs, Peace-Building IMF Reform, USA, BBL </span></p>
- Dec 1: Trade, NGO, MDGs, Diplomatic Strategy, ODA Budget, Vietnam, WTO, Environment, AIDS, Network, etc. </span></p>
- Nov 28: Sovereign Bankruptcy, Statistics, Trade, Afghanistan, Finance, USAID, NGO, 9/11, Sectoral Network, PFI, ODA Council MCA, etc. </span></p>
- Nov 24: IMF/WB Annual Meeting, Statistics, Proposals, Sectoral Networking, NGO, MDI, Japan, WTO, Water, ODA Strategy Council, US, BBL </span></p>
- Nov 21: Minutes (Debt, WB-Japan, Human Security), Decentralization, Statistics, NGO, MDI, Rural Info Center, Education, GRIPS, BBL Schedule </span></p>
- Nov 17: Nov 20 BBL, WB-Japan, NGO, MDI, Asia Forest, IMF Research Conference, Gender, etc. </span></p>
- Nov 11: Human Security, WB Policy and Japan’s ODA, NGO, MDI, Democracy, MDGs, UNDP, East Asia Update, BBL </span></p>
- Nov 7: MDGs, Urban Dev, MDI, NGO, Dicsussions on ODA, Trade and Dev, Vietnam, London Principles </span></p>
- Oct 31: Nov 7 Ms. Ogata, Nov-Dec BBL, Oct 29 Public-Privatte Partnership, Sep 12 Conflict and Development, NGO, ODA Strategy, PRSP, etc. </span></p>
- Oct 20: Oct 29 BBL (Public-Private Partnership), Oct 16 BBL (Financial Crisis), NGO, MDI, Articles, MDGs, WTO/FTA, UK </span></p>
- Oct 13: Oct 16 BBL (Solutions to Sovereign Debt Crisis), Education BBL Minutes, NGO, Env-Peace-Dev, WDR2004 / East Asia Report </span></p>
- Oct 6: Oct 16 BBL Invitation, Oct 2 BBL Report, MDI, NGO, Articles, Lecture on WB, Summer Intern, UK Network </span></p>
- Sep 30: Oct BBL Invitation, NGO, IMF/WB Annual Meetings, G8 Dev Meeting, MDG Symposium </span></p>
- Sep 23: Sep 25 BBL (World Bank and Japan) Resume, NGO, New Articles Website </span></p>
- Sep 15: Sep 25 BBL Invitation (World Bank & Japan), Sep 12 BBL Report (Conflict & Development), MDI Monitor, NGO, WB & IMF 50th Anniv, ODA Strategy Council </span></p>
- Sep 8: Sep 12 BBL (Conflict & Development) Invitation, Sep 4 BBL (Education) Report, Aug 28 BBL (Partnership) Minutes, NGO, MDI, WSSD, ODA Budget </span></p>
- Sep 1: Sep 4 BBL Invitation (Education), Aug 28 BBL Report (Dev Partnership), NGO, MDI, GRIPS and eFASID </span></p>
- Aug 24: Aug 28 -Oct 16 BBL Invitation, BBL Reports on Debt / Trade-Env-Dev, NGO, MDI, WSSD, Country Team </span></p>
- Aug 17: BBL Minutes (PRSP), Northen NGO, Education, IDEA, WSSD </span></p>
- Aug 15: Aug 21 BBL (debt), Aug 7 BBL (trade-env), BBL minutes (PRSP, MDGs) and more! </span></p>
- Aug 5: Aug 7 BBL Outline (trade-env), ODA Strategy Council, Town Meeting on ODA </span></p>
- Aug 5: Aug BBL (trade-env, debt, partnership), July 31 BBL (PRSP) and more! </span></p>
- July 29: July 25 BBL (media), July 31 BBL (PRSP), What’s New etc. </span></p>